



Michael Shackleton, President, AJJ

AJJ 会長 マイケル・シャックルトン

AJJ is a Society open to anthropological research on Japan, especially to researchers living in Japan. Annual meetings are held every fall, and in spring we conduct workshops. Important activities may be organized in conjunction with the Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology (JASCA) and other organizations.

Since its inception in 1998, English has been the language of convention, however, AJJ encourages the use of other languages including Japanese. Currently, recommendation of a member is not necessary to become a member, there are no membership fees. Contact is maintained via the website and and e-mail.

In this way we are a scholarly network. Please feel free to join us.


 Secretariat: Professor Michael Shackleton, M.A.

Address: Kita Rokko 4512-141, Rokko san cho, Nada-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo ken. 〒567-0101

 〒567-0101, 兵庫県、神戸市、灘区、六甲山町、北六甲4512-141

 tel:- 090 5897 6793;

Executive Committee (also see details at bottom of page):

President Emeritus 名誉会長: Hirochika Nakamaki 中牧弘允

Past President 元会長: Noriya Sumihara 住原 則也

President 会長: Michael Shackleton マイケル・シャックルトン

Vice President 副会長: Greg Poole, グレゴリー・プール, John Mock ジョン・モック

Web and Social Networks ウェブサイト/SNS管理担当: Debra Occhi デボラ・オチ, Mary Reisel メーリ・レイゼル

Newsletter ニュースレター編集者: Atsushi Sumi 鷲見淳

Domestic/JASCA Liaison: Etsuko Kato 加藤 恵津子

International Liaison: Andrea de Antoni アンドレア ・デ・アントーニ

Treasurer 会計係:Tom Gill (Thomas Paramor Gill) トム・ギル (ギル・トマス・パラモア)

Other EC members: Kaeko Chiba, Kyle Cleveland, Robert Croker, Alyne Delaney, Ben Grafström, Sachiko Horiguchi, John McCreery, Ichiro Numazaki, Hisako Omori, Andreas Riessland, Tomiyuki Uesugi, David Uva, Beverley Yamamoto

千葉 加恵子, カイル・クリーブランド, ロバート・クロッカー, デレーニ・アリーン, ベン・グラフストロム, 堀口 佐知子, ジョン・マクレリー,  沼崎 一郎, 大森 久子, アンドレアス・リースランド, 上杉 富之, ダヴィッド・ウヴァ, ベバリー・ヤマモト

External Advisors

JAWS: Lola Martinez デローレス・マーティーネス

JASCA: Junji Koizumi 小泉潤二

AAA: Laura Miller ローラー・ミラー

Anthropology of Japan in Japan

Revised November 5, 2005

Article I       Name:

Anthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ)

Article II       Objectives:

The objectives of AJJ shall be (a) to provide a multi-lingual conference forum to share original research and work in progress among Japanese and non-Japanese anthropologists as well as other social scientists whose research focuses primarily on the ethnography of Japanese culture and society; (b) to positively seek to collaborate and cooperate with other Japanese anthropological organizations and societies; (c) to form a network bringing scholars of Japan together outside the context of the annual meeting; and (d) to produce periodic publications in digital or other form.

Article III       Membership:

Membership shall be defined in terms of the persons who participate in the AJJ annual meeting or network workshops, or who wish their names to be included in related mailing lists and have paid any annual membership fees.

The privilege of voting on any AJJ business (including election of officers, constitutional amendments, etc) shall be limited to those  who attend the annual meeting where such business is brought up.

Annual fees shall be set by the Executive Committee. A review of the fees shall be made and findings reported to the membership at the annual meeting.

Article IV       Organization:

A. Executive Committee:

There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of one or more individuals in the following positions:

1.         President Emeritus

2.         President (Responsible for representing and maintaining the profile of AJJ in Japan and abroad)

3.         Vice-President (Responsible for executing the regular business of managing AJJ; in particular for the smooth and timely scheduling of Annual Meetings and Regional Workshops

4.         Communications Officer (Responsible for maintaining, and informing the AJJ membership of any changes to the Constitution; maintaining the AJJ webpage; circulating official documentation to the membership of AJJ)

5.         Liaison Officer (Responsible for maintaining contacts with the other scholarly societies in Japan and abroad)

6.         Treasurer (Responsible for collecting, allocating and reporting on any monies collected by AJJ)

7.         Additional Executives as specified by the Executive Committee.

 Terms and Methods of Selection 

Officers shall serve a two-year term, which shall be renewable upon a vote of the membership conducted at the annual meeting. Members of the Executive Committee must have institutional affiliations in Japan and/or must be resident in Japan.

Nominations may be made  to the Executive Committee either prior to or during the annual meeting. Should an individual vacate a post before the end of their term, the Executive Committee would appoint a suitable replacement until the next Annual Meeting.

B. Event Organizers:

These positions would be decided on an event-by-event basis, recruited from the open membership of AJJ and appointed by the Executive Committee. These individuals would become members of the Executive Committee during the time that they are organizing the event in question. These would minimally include at least one person in the following positions:

1.         Conference Host (Responsible for securing and managing the conference site)

2.         Conference Organizer (Responsible for writing and distributing the call for papers; soliciting and collecting papers; organizing the conference program; publicizing the conference; and allocating all of the duties for such work to the other members of the Executive Committee, the AJJ at large or outside helpers)

C. Advisory Council:

The Executive Committee will establish ties with other related academic institutions, centers or individual scholars in related fields, thereby forming a research network so as to solidify our foundation in ways that would be mutually beneficial. The Executive Committee would approach either scholars within Japanese Studies abroad or scholars in related disciplines and/or fields in Japan.

D. Additional Positions:

Officers shall form and staff appropriate subcommittees responsible for any other such functions as they become necessary.

Article V       Meetings:

A. Annual Meetings: The Executive Committee will be responsible for organizing and for setting the place and date of an Annual Meeting. The meeting will consist of  a Membership Meeting for the conduct of business matters, including the reporting of organizational finances, and a planned program of papers and discussions.

B. Regional Workshops: In addition, there will be one or more yearly Regional Workshop(s) in order to foster broad contacts within all parts of Japan.

Article VI       Amendments:

A. Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by:

1.         the Executive Committee; or

2.         members attending the Annual Membership Meeting.

B. Amendments shall require the approval of a majority the members attending the annual meeting, conducted by vote at the annual meeting.

Anthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ) 会則

 本会はAnthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ)と称する。



1 日本人および日本人以外の人類学者や、日本文化および日本社会を主として民族誌的に研究している社会科学者を対象に、未発表の研究および現在進行中の調査を共有する目的で、多言語によるフォーラムを提供する。

2 本会以外の日本の人類学的組織および学会と積極的に共同・協力する道を探る。

3 年会以外にも日本を研究する学者の場となるようなネットワークを形成する。

4 定期刊行物をデジタル方式または他の方法で作成する。





1 理事会












2 行事組織者




3 顧問


4 付加的役職



1 年会:理事会は年会の組織および日時場所の設定に責任を負う。年会は総会と研究発表から成立し、前者において本会の資金に関する報告を含む事務事項を議論する。

2 地域集会:さらに全国内における幅広い交流を促進するため、毎年一回以上の地域集会を開催する。


1 会則の改正は(1)理事会、または(2)年会における総会に出席の者、によって提案される。

2 改正には年会出席の会員の過半数の承認が、年会時の選挙によって必要とされる。


Executive Committee (details):

Special Executive Committee Members 特別実行委員会委員

President Emeritus 名誉会長

 Hirochika Nakamaki PhD,

Professor Emeritus, National Museum of Ethnology

Special Director-General, Suita City Museum




Past President 元会長

Noriya Sumihara PhD

住原 則也


President 会長

Michael Shackleton, MA


大阪学院大学外国語学部准教授 (退職 2023/3/31)

Vice President 副会長

Gregory Poole, PhD

Professor and Director, International Liberal Arts Institute, Doshisha University, Kyoto



Vice President 副会長

John Mock, PhD

Adjunct Professor, Temple University



Website  ウェブサイト管理担当

Debra Occhi, PhD

Professor, International Liberal Arts School, Miyazaki International University


宮崎国際大学 国際教養学部比較文化学科教授

Social Networks SNS担当

Mary Reisel, PhD

Special lecturer, Rikkyo University, Tokyo


立教大学 グローバル・リベラルアーツ・プログラム特定准教授

Newsletter editor ニュースレター編集者

Atsushi Sumi, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Meiji University



Domestic Liaison 国内連絡担当

 Etsuko Kato, PhD

Professor, International Christian University (ICU)

加藤 恵津子

国際基督教大学, 人類学部教授学生部長

International Liaison 国際連絡担当

Andrea De Antoni, PhD

Program-Specific Associate Professor, Division of Cultural Environment Studies, Graduate School, Kyoto University



Treasurer 会計係

Tom Gill (Thomas Paramor Gill), PhD

Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University

トム・ギル (ギル・トマス・パラモア)


Ordinary Executive Committee Members 一般実行委員会委員

Ichiro Numazaki, PhD

Professor, Tohoku University Graduate School of Letters

沼崎 一郎

東北大学 大学院文学研究科・文学部教授

John McCreery, PhD

Managing Partner at The Word Works Ltd.



Tomiyuki Uesugi, PhD

Professor, Seijo University, Tokyo

上杉 富之

成城大学文芸学部 文化史学科教授

Sachiko Horiguchi, PhD

Professor, Temple University, Japan Campus, Tokyo
堀口 佐知子


David Uva, PhD

Assistant Professor, International liberal Arts Institute, Doshisha University


同志社大学大学、 国際教育インスティテュート助教授

Andreas Riessland, PhD

Associate Professor, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Nanzan University


南山大学 准教授, 外国語学部ドイツ学科准教授

Kyle Cleveland, PhD

Associate Professor of Sociology, Temple University Japan Campus 



Kaeko Chiba, PhD

Associate Professor, Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Connectivity Program

千葉 加恵子

国際教養大学, 国際教育芸学国際教養学部准教授,

Hisako Omori, PhD

Associate Professor, Akita International University, Faculty of International Liberal Arts

大森 久子

国際教養大学, 国際教養学部准教授

Robert Croker, PhD

Professor, Faculty of General Policy Studies, Nanzan University



Ben Grafstrom, PhD 

Research Fellow, University of Oslo

